Monday, March 11, 2013

Writing/Editing & Editing/Writing

Sun slicing across the morning here. I have been thinking a lot about the differences and similarities between editing and writing.

Common: creative, thoughtful, paying attention to word selection and flow, work  (I am sure there is more...)

Not in common: different parts of my intelligence seem activated when editing or writing. Editing is less fun for me.

And you know, the more I think about it the less different they do seem to be from each other—except for the fun part!

As I have been doing much more editing of late maybe I am seeing this all in fog.

In any event, I am glad I have been rumbling around with these thoughts. I feel less tamed by dragons and more ready to let the words and edits fly in all directions. An egg is an egg is an egg yet each is from a different bird.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Violet, my novella is live!

Hello 52 weeks.

I have missed you. Blogging has been in the back of my mind but not on my fingertips. I have been in the deep cave of editing.

And now on my birthday I am happy to say that my novella, Violet, is live!

I am grateful to the generous online writing community. Folks here in the online ethers have been encouraging and curious. That made all the difference in those moments when I felt that being alone in a room staring at a computer screen worrying about using the word "just" one more time was not worth my energy.

I hope I have encouraged you, too!

So, here she is...


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sunday, December 30, 2012

2013 Feminist Reads Challenge

I am participating in...2013 Feminist Reads Challenge

Will you join us?

2013 Feminist Reads Challenge

All of the below is from Sara @ The Hiding Spot (link above)
Now I realize some of you may only have a vague understanding of what a feminist and feminism is. Others may have a negative connotation of the word feminist or think that only women can be feminists. Let me attempt to break it down for you.

feminist is defined as:
  • (n): a person who supports feminism
  • (adj): of, relating to, or supporting feminism
Pretty vague and unhelpful, right? I agree. Let's look a little further.

Feminism is defined as:
  • A movement for granting women political, social, and economic equality with men.
All true, but also fairly boring. I think Rebecca West summed it up pretty well we she said:
"I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat."
Here's how I define feminism and feminists:
  • Feminism is supporting and helping to create strong girls and women.Women who have the ability to take care of themselves, who believe in themselves, and who have the freedom to pursue their dreams and share their beliefs, values, and opinions.
  • Feminists encourage and support strength, independence, individuality, and passion in women of all ages.
  • Feminists fight for people. Yes, they obviously fight for women, but I think it can also be said that they fight for what is right. For equality for all. For every person to have a voice, an education, a fighting chance.
Therefore, any book that features, by your standards, a strong female character or supports feminist ideals is eligible for this challenge!Examples include: The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Dairy of Anne Frank, Matilda, The Handmaid's Tale

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

NaNo 2012

Counting the days until NaNo and trying to figure out how much dried food my kids will need to get through a month of me hiding in my office every possible moment.

I have the first line in my head (I will not count those words toward my 50,000!).

SCBWI conference was great this autumn. I enjoyed the practical suggestions and the kindness of the participants.

So, excited!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blue Moon: Jewish Girls & Young Women Write on Bat Mitzvah

Blue Moon seeks Jewish girls and young women to submit writing on becoming bat mitzvah.

Blue Moon Submission Guidelines
Blue Moon accepts submissions from Jewish girls and young women writing about bat mitzvah only.
·      All genres of writing are welcome.
·      Submissions must be double spaced, standard fonts and margins. Number all pages and include your name on each page.
·      Please do not send in anything other than writing at this time.
·      Please include a cover sheet with the following details: name, year of birth, home address/city/state/zip, telephone number and email.
·      Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.
·      Blue Moon reserves the right to publish our edited version without your prior approval. Any work you submit may be published by Blue Moon.
·      If you submit a piece without a title we will assume you want to title it “Untitled”.
·      Please keep a copy of your submission. Nothing you send to Blue Moon will be returned.
·      Only original work will be accepted.
·      If you want to publish your writing anonymously please say so. The editor will communicate with you about this. Names may be changed in cases where content is of a sensitive nature.
·      All materials submitted become the property of Blue Moon. By submitting your work to us, you are giving Blue Moon and its partners, affiliates and licensees the non-exclusive right to publish your work in any format, including all print, electronic and online media. Blue Moon may edit or abridge your work at its sole discretion. All individual contributors to Blue Moon retain the right to submit their work for non-exclusive publication elsewhere.
·      Blue Moon does not currently have a submission deadline.
·      Blue Moon is actively seeking submissions and we appreciate you sharing Blue Moon with your friends and Jewish networks.
·      We want to make this process as simple as possible. Please be in touch with any questions.
Contact the editor, Jodi Tharan, M.Ed., M.Div. at

Happy writing!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Been so la la la

I have not been posting here because I have been writing twitter pitches, submitting to a contest and working on a big project plus all the other stuff I do as a mom and in my admissions work. Zowie ka-zam! Thankfully, I had time to see The Avengers. All is right with the world...well, at least in the theater. I am about to start Camp Nanowrimo. Super happy about this! I am working on my first first person YA novel (I love it when words repeat in English, so weird!). So, not a lot of blogging going on but the writing flame is burning bright. Wishing you all words, words, words!