Friday, September 16, 2011



  1. Aw, what a great picture. What breed is he? We have two barred rocks, but we're hoping to add to our flock. We need more eggs. ;)

  2. Hehehe nice pic. Is he a pet or food? :-)

  3. She is a rescue hen from Animal Place/Rescue Ranch. Local organic farmers (not to mention the horrid huge agribusinesses) have hens, yes, even those nice "free range" eggs lay for two years (after they clip the tips of their beaks off!) and then they incinerate them. Horrible. SO, I found out about this and rescued Daffy (we named her that because she is super silly). I also have rescued hens from a hoarding situation (Cleo, Jenni & Georgi a mixture of breeds, all bantams). Sheeda (Belevedere) is a rescue from an over stressed Mom who couldn't take care of her anymore. Amelia (a jungle fowl) was given to us by the neighbors and Cotton is my only purchased hen, a great cochin. We got her as a pullet. We area vegan family. We don't eat meat. She really is more of a pet in that sense. We will occasionally eat an egg from our hens because we know they are well card for. I'd love to hear more about barred rocks Avery :). This picture made me so happy. Daffy seem to be smelling the flower with her poor clipped beak but my son tells me chickens have no sense of smell. Maybe she is just curious. I can not believe that she is so sweet to all humans she meets after what humans did to her. She is a lovey :).

  4. does anyone know how to edit your own comments? i am sleepy and there are so many little typos in the above...seems a good time to try to learn more about the blogging interface here. I am still getting used to the new blogger interface.
